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A Remote Boss

As an online company, we rarely work face-to-face with YOU – “our bosses” – our clients who hire, or develop their careers, using the Selectleaders Real Estate Job Network. The tricks of the trade to successfully work and Win Over a Remote Boss was featured in last week’s “Wall Street Journal” and is what we try to do. “Realize communications with remote colleagues tend to be tougher and more direct because they can’t see listeners’ reactions. It’s also way too easy to have miscommunications.” “Active Listening Skills” become a must. Paraphrase and repeat the boss’s needs to confirm you understand. Send a quick email summary afterwards. Schedule check-up calls. And better yet, a video call, which is becoming increasingly easier. Most importantly take time to be human and take a few minutes for the kind of friendly socializing that happens naturally in person. Millennials in particular seem to have an aversion to picking up the phone, and leave themselves open to no reaction or misinterpretation from people who scan, because they don’t have time to thoroughly read countless emails.

About the SelectLeaders Job Barometer

The SelectLeaders Job Barometer, published since 2006, is the foremost survey of employment opportunities, trends, and hiring practices in the commercial real estate industry.

About the SelectLeaders Real Estate Job Network

SelectLeaders powers the Career Centers for 9 premier real estate industry Associations (whose members control or direct 90% of commercial real estate). Jobs are from all sectors and all levels with 29% paying over $100,000. SelectLeaders Job Network offers unequalled access to the Real Estate community. To learn more visit selectleaders.com or visit our Job Network Career Centers: BOMA, CCIM, CREFC, GlobeST.com, NAIOP, NAREIM, NAREIT, NMHC, PREA, Project REAP, ULI, NRHC

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