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The Professionals’ Choice for Real Estate Jobs

Don’t Ask Do Tell

This October, New York City joined Massachusetts and Philadelphia in barring employers from asking about a job applicant’s current salary and pay history. More than 20 states are considering similar legislation. Women earned 79.6 cents for every dollar men made in 2015, according to Census Bureau data. The bill passed partially in response to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that employers are allowed to pay women less than men based on salary history. Our industry has very different salaries and titles depending on the company, location, and applicant’s experience. Determining compensation is a challenge, especially since a majority of real estate companies have 15 full-time employees or less, with not a lot of duplication of roles. Average CRE salary information may represent huge variables. What’s a job seeker to do? Help the HR person go to bat for you and tell them what you make and your compensation goals “after you prove your awesome value to the company of course.”

About the SelectLeaders Job Barometer

The SelectLeaders Job Barometer, published since 2006, is the foremost survey of employment opportunities, trends, and hiring practices in the commercial real estate industry.

About the SelectLeaders Real Estate Job Network

SelectLeaders powers the Career Centers for 9 premier real estate industry Associations (whose members control or direct 90% of commercial real estate). Jobs are from all sectors and all levels with 29% paying over $100,000. SelectLeaders Job Network offers unequalled access to the Real Estate community. To learn more visit selectleaders.com or visit our Job Network Career Centers: BOMA, CCIM, CREFC, GlobeST.com, NAIOP, NAREIM, NAREIT, NMHC, PREA, Project REAP, ULI, NRHC

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