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Hart Realty Advisers

Hart Realty Advisers
Institutional investors expect their commitments to achieve consistently superior returns. Partnering with an investment adviser with nationwide access to viable investment opportunities is essential. Hart Realty Advisers has proven its ability to identify, structure, and manage real estate investments designed to maximize returns and control risk for institutional clients. Over three decades our mission and sole purpose has remained the same - providing consistently strong real estate investment performance, outstanding client service, and continually putting our fiduciary duties first, earning the trust and respect from clients, operators, partners, and employees. Not only is a successful track record vital, but an adviser's depth of expertise, knowledge, and practical experience are also paramount. Our real estate professionals are highly experienced and have long tenures with the firm. Their knowledge, judgment, and skills enable them to make astute decisions about investment opportunities and respond nimbly to rapidly changing economic and market conditions. Hart Realty Advisers, based in Simsbury, Connecticut, is independent and closely held. operated in a team-oriented environment where investor and adviser goals are identified and well aligned.