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Cigna, Goldman Sachs, IBM, and Yale School of Management MBA program are an impressive list that uses video Interview software to conduct first interviews with applicants. But how far should robo-recruiting go? A software engineer hired by IBM last year, had subsequent online interviews and eventually received her job offer via text message never meeting a flesh and blood person. The WSJ just reported robo-recruiting is now being taken one step further, “Some HireVue customers have an algorithm review the video interviews for them. A program called HireVue Insights scans videos for verbal and facial cues that match the skills and attributes a company is seeking and ranks the top 100 applicants.” HireVue Inc. hosted nearly three million video interviews last year, up from 13,000 five years ago.

About the SelectLeaders Job Barometer

The SelectLeaders Job Barometer, published since 2006, is the foremost survey of employment opportunities, trends, and hiring practices in the commercial real estate industry.

About the SelectLeaders Real Estate Job Network

SelectLeaders powers the Career Centers for 9 premier real estate industry Associations (whose members control or direct 90% of commercial real estate). Jobs are from all sectors and all levels with 29% paying over $100,000. SelectLeaders Job Network offers unequalled access to the Real Estate community. To learn more visit selectleaders.com or visit our Job Network Career Centers: BOMA, CCIM, CREFC, GlobeST.com, NAIOP, NAREIM, NAREIT, NMHC, PREA, Project REAP, ULI, NRHC

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